Sunday, December 26, 2010

O Christmas Tree

Another "Our Daily Challenge"...plastic was the theme of the day. I have always loved this little tree I got at Zeller's for about $8 years and years's white with opalescent circles all over it.


I joined a group on Flickr called "Our Daily Challenge" have  a different theme each day and you post a photo taken that's a great challenge and lots of fun. The other day it was something starting with "K". Not a lot of things start with "K". Here was my effort and I was quite pleased with the results. I love the tones and negative space.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Candy

Wishing you a sweet holiday season!!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Peace on Earth

I'm pretty much a purist most of the time with my photography...maybe because I'm so hopeless with Photo Shop. But lately some of my Flickr friends have inspired me to try a technique using layers downloaded from Flickr. Here is my first effort in a long while and it turned out pretty much how I wanted it. The sheep's head is little too big I think but I do love her face.
I call this 'digital art' as opposed to photography.
Let me know what you think!

Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Carillon Tower

Taken on a night shoot with my Esquimalt Photography Club. At about 4:40pm on Dec. 4th and the light was so beautiful....the rest of my club members were headed for the restaurant and I hung back to grab this shot.
ISO 1600. f 2.8, 1/100sec handheld, with my tripod clenched under my arm...go figure!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Thanks to my photography club friend Edith for commenting on my Blog via hotmail....I have been ignoring this Blog lately because I never get any feedback on it and therefore thought nobody was looking at it. If you are viewing my Blog and you like it, or even if you don't but have something constructive to say, please comment , it's easy using the 'anon' profile on the drop down box for comments OR e-mail me at

Snow Dog

I don't usually put photos of my dog Beau on this Blog because I have a Blog about Beau.... BUT I am particularly proud of this shot of him. 1/640 sec, ISO 800,       f 8.0 with exposure compensation +0.33. It looks really good on a white background, not the black of Blogspot.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Macaulay Park in the Snow

I took my dog down to Macaulay Park in the snow today and grabbed this shot. Love how minimal  it is and the coldness.
ISO 400 1/400sec and F10.0. Handheld with my 70-200 zoom @70mm.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ewe Portrait

Taken out at Parry Bay Sheep Farm on Friday afternoon. I had so much fun photographing the sheep. Lots of different lighting during the hour I was there but this is probably the most beautiful light there was.
I love the tones and bokeh in this shot as well as her poor ear, but her ear makes the photo.
f 5.0 1/800 sec, ISO 200. Handheld on a 70-200 zoom.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Kevin and Laurel

This portrait so captures this very funny couple. They both have an amazing sense of humour and one of them is always laughing. What a fun photo shoot this was!
f 5.6, ISO 200, 1/125sec...handheld and converted to B&W in iPhoto.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cabbage Patch

Cabbage Patch

This was taken out at Island View on a pretty dull wet afternoon but the colour saturation was perfect.
I particularly like the dof and the colours and the frill of that first leaf.
f 6.3  ISO 400, 1/400 sec on my 70-200 zoom @173mm...handheld as per usual but I at least took my tripod with me this shoot...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Safe distance for now

Today I stopped and took some photos of these beautiful very black cows in a very green pasture. At first they were pretty cautious about this long lens pointing at them but they all came around, and proceeded to the fence and stood so perfectly still, looked right into the camera. More of that shoot to follow. Click on photo to view larger...looks much better!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Taken at Providence Farm in Duncan, B.C. this week-end. This is one of the therapeutic riding horses that lives there.
1/250 sec, ISO 200 , f5.6.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Harvesting the grapes

Taken at Gray Monk Winery.

1/500 sec, f 8.0, ISO 200 on a 70-200mm zoom lens @150mm.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Autum Tapestry

More photos from along the Shuswap River. The beauty there is breathtaking. Can't even decide which shot I like better.
F 5.6 ISO 200 1/400sec on a 70-200 zoom @ 200mm.
Be sure to click on the photo to view 'large' as you can really appreciate the details better.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

End of the Season

This sunflower looks as though it's saying a prayer of thanks for a life well lived.

Taken along the Shuswap River, near Enderby B.C., in late afternoon on Thanksgiving week-end.

ISO 200, 1/200 sec at F4.5 handheld on a 70-200 zoom lens.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fog Burning

I'm not a real  big fan of the point and shoot but sometimes it's the it was in the fog. I love the mystery in this photo and the hint of violet.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Ferns

ISO 100, f 3.2, 1/50 sec handheld. These ferns are finished but amazing how beautiful they can look all dried up. It almost looks as though there is frost on them.

Friday, October 15, 2010

River in Sepia

Taken on the Shuswap River last week-end from a canoe.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jazz Club in Roma

This was taken with a tabletop tripod in a jazz club, Alexander Platz, in Rome. I love how the colours work together and that 'jazz club' feel to it.
f 1.8, ISO 1600, 1/20 sec on a 50mm lens.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Astillbe in B&W

An Astillbe out at Butchart Gardens this summer. Love the bokeh and simplicity.

1/200 sec,  F4.0,  ISO 400 on a 70-200mm zoom lens at 189mm. Handheld and taken right before sundown.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Rocks and Waves

Taken during the golden hour out at Witty's Lagoon yesterday.

Shot at f 10.0... ISO 400... 1/800 sec  on a 70-200 zoom lens at 185mm. Handheld.

At first I liked the B&W one better....then my flickr friends like the colour one better......

it's easy to post your opinion even if you don't have a Google account just "comment as" anonymous... very easy!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Model Shoot

A photo from my first model shoot. So much fun!!!! So different taking photos of someone when you're not having to coerce  them to pose and/or take direction and they'll just keep posing away happily.

I usually get about 3 photos when shooting my kids before they've had enough.

1/125 sec,  F 5.6,  ISO 200, and using studio lights. 17-85mm zoom lens at 85mm.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Great Horned Owl

What's up Doc?

This guy is only 6 months old. Taken this week-end when my photo club visited Pacific Northwest Rapture Center in Duncan B.C.

I highly recommend visiting the center and taking in their demonstration shows. So interesting, entertaining, and breathtaking birds.

This was taken with a 70-200mm zoom lens at 200mm. 1/160 sec ISO 200 F 4.0. I usually always shoot on aperture priority. I certainly would have gotten more keepers if I had bumped the ISO up a bit so I was shooting at at at least 1/640 or higher....all my motion shots are blurry.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Originally uploaded by Kathryn Weese
Playing with the macro setting on my new Canon point and shoot camera. A whole new world...I'm lovin it!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy Valley Herb Farm

Taken on the tripod, f22.0 1/10 sec ISO 100.
The sun was very bright...they are only open 10-5pm so no golden hour photo ops there.
An exquisite place to take photos this time of year while the lavender is in bloom. I love the old purple's brilliant!!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


This is Leroy , a Pitbull who is part of the Hugabull Rescue Group at the "Gay Dog Walk". What a face! Love his bling.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Michael Goes to the Colosseum

This is at the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, a wind and rain storm had just come up and all the tourists ran for cover. Pop culture 'Friday the 13th' t-shirt, 'Watchman' shoulder bag meet ancient history. Love it!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just us chickens

This was shot out at my yoga teacher's place in North Saanich. She has an amazingly beautiful garden and some very photogenic chickens.
Shot at f4.0 1/320 sec at ISO 400.
I just love this chicken's expression and attitude.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pink or maybe purplish

Shot at f 4.0 1/125 sec at ISO 200.
Sometimes the Blog can really make the colour look different....this looks more purple than the pink in my photo program.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Blechnum spicant...aka Deer Fern

This was shot at Thetis Lake at f5.6,  1/1000 sec at ISO 1600. The light is very low at Thetis Lake because there is so much shade from all the vegetation. I thought I'd try shooting at a high ISO and see what the results were like.
I really like this shot in B&W, much better than colour.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Inner Harbour Tourist

Isn't this little guy adorable? He's 12! Hangin out down at the Inner Harbour on Friday night with his owner.     
Shot at f 4.0  1/100 sec ISO 200.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fleet Review

Unfortunately my schedule didn't jive with the Fleet Review but here are a few shots I managed to grab.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More Ride to Live

Love this shot....I need that helmet!
Plus it depicts just how wet the day was.
f 8.0 1/400 sec ISO 400.

Monday, June 7, 2010

"Ride to Live" Series

This week-end I photographed the "Ride for Life", a fundraiser for prostate cancer. 400+ motorcycles riding from Ogden Point to Sooke and then out to Sidney.

 Amazing photo ops, characters and bikes!!!! I had such a blast.

Some of my favorite photos will be over the next week or so.

This is shot at f 6.3 1/400 sec at ISO time for tripods.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Cash Man

This is little 'Cash' at 5 months. He is my daughter Gillian's puppy.
He's the most mellow, obedient dog. I was so impressed with his nature and personality. Just a little gem of a dog.
Shot at f 4.0 1/100 sec ISO 100
I miss you Cash!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This Borage plant was shot at Government House f 4.0 1/200 sec -0.33 ISO 100 on a tripod.
Such a lovely delicate herb and the most beautiful colour of blue.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Vatican Staircase

Shot at the Vatican Museum in Rome. This staircase is so famous, every photographer that's been to Rome has a multitude of shots of it. I've seen it on the cover of more than one book. It's beautiful! I so wish I had a different lens, wide angle preferably(FYI...never go to Europe without a wide angle lens!) All my Europe shots are on a 50mm lens, sometimes it was in my favour but mostly not.
f 3.2 1/125sec ISO 1600.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Grass series

Taken out at Island View Beach today. f 5.6 1/320 ISO 100 handheld. It's a weed , but a pretty one.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lighthouse staircase

   Shot out at Fort Rodd Hill. F 13.0 1/125 sec ISO 100